Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Tom Tallman at 9:45AM and commenced with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence in memory of member Peter Forgione. Lake Cadjaw Watershed Association extends its deepest condolences to the Forgione family.
Roll Call:
Secretary Heath noted the following members were present: Officers: Tom Tallman, Ellen Wertman, John Mulligan, Kelly Heath, Linda Tallman. Others: Laurie Mulligan, Ray Scholl, Pat Forgione, Heather Christensen, Kathy Drexel, Linda Vonson, Sandra and Paul Talarico.
Reading of Minutes:
A summary of the minutes from the prior meeting held August 26, 2017 was read by Secretary Kelly Heath. Motion to approve was made by John Mulligan, seconded by Ellen Wertman and carried.
Treasurer's Report:
The Treasurer's Report was read by Treasurer Tallman. Account balances were reported as follows:
Checking: $15,670.15
Savings: $14,238.85
Raffle Account: $6,509.00
Cash on hand totals $36,418.00
A motion to approve the treasurer's report was made by Ray Scholl, seconded by Kelly Heath and carried.
Old Business:
Dam Discussion:
Dam Status is status quo. Our engineer has submitted plans to DEP, which contain deficiencies, some having been corrected and some still existing Additional payments to redo these plans have been requested and adjustments have been made to the charges the engineer felt their firm was entitled to and an agreement to settle for half the cost has been negotiated by President Tallman. The PA DEP has given this Association six (6) years to complete the required restoration of the dam. This means that it is imperative that we now get our financing in order and if this is not accomplished within this six-year period, the dam will be breached and we will be left with a swamp, not to mention mosquitoes, snakes, rats, etc. Now is the time to act through submission of plans and acquisition of needed permits. DEP has notified LCWA that if the dam is breached, the breaching cost will fall on lake residents.
Additionally, according to the Central Wayne Regional Authority, the projected level to which the water can be raised, provided he necessary repairs are made to the dam, is currently at best two (2) feet.
LCWA is moving forward with plans to offer land for sale to lakefront property owners that abuts their current lakefront property lines. Revenue must be raised in order to take action on the dam and sporadic participation by Lake Cadjaw community members is detrimental to our cause. We have considered legal enforcement of dues payments. If residents do not pay yearly dues, this could mean action in the form of a lien on the resident's property.
LCWA has pursued information in terms of securing a low-interest loan or loans to achieve our goal but, as would be the case for a loan available to any person or business, adequate resources must exist to show the ability to repay said loan. Funding is the only thing keeping us from attaining our goal of dam repair.
Our plan is to offer land units to residents whose property abuts them first. However, if a property owner is unwilling or unable to purchase these lots, adjacent neighbors would then be offered the opportunity to acquire the land. If they do not make the purchase, the land will be offered to any other interested parties. Lots will be offered for $400 per linear foot, i.e., 20' would cost $8,000.00
If and when we do achieve our prioritized goal of repairing the dam, LCWA will continue to maintain the dam and begin to clear designated access points around the lake.
We welcome the constructive and proactive input of our Association members and community members alike concerning these matters.
Officer Slate:
Report of Nominating Committee: A nominating committee was selected at the August meeting and was comprised members Ray Scholl, Al Krupski and Gary Miller. Ray Scholl, representing the committee, reported the following nominations:
President: Tom Tallman
Vice President: Will Hazimof
Vice President: Ellen Wertman
Vice President: John Mulligan
Vice President: Linda Vonson
Secretary: Kelly Heath
Treasurer: Linda Tallman
Appointment of Officers: The following officers were elected through show of hands and appointed as follows:
President: Tom Tallman
Vice President: Will Hazimon
Vice President: Will Ellen Wertman
Vice President: John Mulligan
Vice President: Linda Vonson
Secretary: Kelly Heath
Treasurer: Linda Tallman
Ideas for other fund-raising events were discussed and will be revisited in the future.
New Business:
The dates for upcoming events: "Harvest & Heritage Days", Saturday and Sunday (10/7 & 10/8) and Honesdale for the Holidays, Saturday, November 25 on Main Street in Honesdale.
LCWA continues to ask for volunteers to work at our fundraising events and/or to provide donations of items to be raffled or sold at said events. Also, we always invite new ideas that might help generate funding for our dam project. It was noted that hat sales (the hats being donated by an anonymous donor), have been generating much of our recent revenue at these events and we would like to explore this option further moving forward.
Members participated in a Q&A session relating to access points for homeowners and how lake access might change for those members who do not purchase the land adjacent to their current lakefront properties.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned by Tom Tallman at 10:55 AM.
Respectfully submitted:
Kelly A. Heath, Secretary
Lake Cadjaw ~ Honesdale, PA
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Call to Order:
The meeting was held at the home of Tom and Linda Tallman and was called to order by President Tom Tallman at 5:43 PM.
Roll Call:
Secretary Heath noted the following members were present: Tom Tallman, William Hazimof, Ellen Wertman, John Mulligan, Linda Tallman, Ray Scholl, Danielle Hazimof, Al Krupski, Gary Miller, and Kelly Heath.
Reading of Minutes:
The minutes were read by Treasurer Linda Tallman. Motion to approve was made by Will Hazimof, seconded by Gary Miller and carried.
Treasurer's Report:
The Treasurer's Report was read by Treasurer Tallman. Account balances were reported as follows:
Checking: $15,607.65
Savings: $14,237.64
Raffle Account: $6,509.00
Total cash on hand totals $36,354.29
A motion to approve the minutes was made by Will Hazimof, seconded by Ray Scholl and carried.
Old Business:
Steampunk Honesdale Sidewalk Sales generated $679.08 for the LCWA as follows:
Donations: $40.08
Sales: $223.00
Kayak Chances: $255.00
Basket Chances: $161.00
LCWA continues to ask for volunteers to work at our fundraising events and/or to provide donations of items to be raffled (or sold) for said events. Also, we always invite new ideas that might help generate funding for our dam project. It was noted that hat sales (the hats being donated by an anonymous donor), have been generating much of our recent revenue at these events and we would like to explore this option further moving forward.
Ideas for other fund-raising events were discussed and will be revisited in the future.
Dam Status: LCWA has received a letter from Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, which was read by Linda Tallman. Since receiving this letter, President Tallman noted that he has been in contact with a representative from DEP and in summary, DEP has given this Association six (6) years to complete the required restoration of the dam. This means that it is imperative that we now get our financing in order and if this is not accomplished within this six-year period, the dam will be breached and we will be left with a swamp, not to mention mosquitoes, snakes, rats, etc.
Additionally, according to the Central Wayne Regional Authority (Sewer Authority), the projected level to which the water can be raised, provided he necessary repairs are made to the dam, is currently at best two (2) feet.
New Business:
The dates for upcoming events: "Harvest & Heritage Days", Saturday and Sunday (10/7 & 10/8) and Honesdale for the Holidays, Saturday, November 25 on Main Street in Honesdale. Please consider volunteering your time or other needed resources.
September Meeting: The date for our final meeting of the year is scheduled for September 24, 2017 at 9:30 AM. This meeting will include election of officers for a two-year period.
Selection of Nominating Committee:
Three members volunteered and were selected for preparing a slate of officers to be presented and voted upon at the September meeting. Those members are Ray Scholl, Al Krupski and Gary Miller.
The main issue faced by LCWA in our efforts to repair the dam and restore the Lake, which will in turn significantly raise property values for the entire community, is a significant financial deficit. This deficit is due in large part to lack of compliance in payment of annual dues. The required fee for membership has stood at $100.00 per household annually for decades. Dues payments are not enforced and the only incentive for payment is a desire to contribute to the improvement of lake conditions through dam repair as well as to increase property value. This has proved to be an unsustainable practice. LCWA is exploring avenues through which it will increase annual dues and require legal compliance. LCWA is also considering measures to offer land for sale to lakefront property owners that abuts their current lakefront property lines. At this time there is no thorough plan of action, but revenue must be raised in order to take action on the dam and sporadic participation by Lake Cadjaw Community members is detrimental to our cause. LCWA has pursued information in terms of securing a low-interest loan or loans to achieve our goal but, as would be the case for a loan available to any person or business, adequate resources must exist to show the ability to repay said loan. We welcome the constructive and proactive input of our Association members and community members alike concerning these matters.
If and when we do achieve our prioritized goal of repairing the dam, LCWA will continue to maintain the dam and begin to clear designated access points around the lake.
The meeting was adjourned by Tom Tallman at 6:53 PM.
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Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 10:15 AM and commenced with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: The following Officers and members were present: Thomas C. Tallman, Jr., President, Kelly A. Heath, Secretary, and Linda S. Tallman, Treasurer. Because of prior commitments, Vice Presidents, William S. Hazimof, John D. Mulligan, and Ellen S. Wertman were unable to attend. Members present: Mark Wertman and Danielle Hazimof.
Due to the fact that a quorum of Officers was not present, no business was conducted.
President Tallman noted that the LCWA will be participating in the Honesdale Sidewalk Sales on July 21-22, 2017 as has been the practice in recent years. He also noted that in accordance with the By Laws, a meeting will be held in August at a date and place to be determined for the purpose of selecting three members in good standing to prepare a slate of Officers to be elected at the September meeting. The date of this meeting will be announced on the LCWA website and Facebook.
Respectfully submitted:
Kelly A. Heath, Secretary
Please visit our Website http://www.lakecadjawwatershed.com/ for information about meetings and events and to contact LCWA with questions and concerns.
You can also join us on Facebook!
Cadjaw Community https://www.facebook.com/cadjawfriends/?
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