Due to the 2020 COVID19 outbreak, and our Association's attempt to comply with federally mandated guidelines set forth by the CDC, our regular meetings scheduled for May, July, and August 2020 were cancelled. The Minutes from the September 2020 meeting are published below.
Darrell & Kathleen Drake
James & Valerie Grossman
Sean McAteer
Stonegate Holdings, LLC
Salvatore & Milagros Rosa
Lynda Bracken
Sheila Vaswani
Michael Benio
Dan, Sr. & Patricia Guinther
James Flynn
Judith Menago
Chester & Bernadette O'Connell
John Schuman
Bill & Michelle Glucksnis
Wayne & Rony Smith
Tom & Linda Tallman
Dana & Bill McCafferty
Linda Vonson
Warren & Kathy Legg
Heather Christensen
Joe & Carol Hark
Carol Nelson
Michael Simmons
Joyce Skinner
Alex & Pam Krupski
Christopher & Tammy Altemier
Michael Bates
Jeffrey Notchick
Victor Cleary
Robert Duckwitz
James Stehlik
Margaret Ozcan
George Hohman
Joanne Hohman
John & Laurie Mulligan
Michael & Christine Evans
Joseph Cleary
Helen Huniyack
Elizabeth Flick
William & Catherine Kelly
Glen & Nina Granville
Robert & Irene Dragwa
Mark & Ellen Wertman
John & Janie Storey
Melissa A. Talarico
Alice Avery
Joseph Bussard
Lester Stinnard, Jr.
Mark Schoeller
Will & Danielle Hazimof
Gary, Sr. and Roseann Racht
Gary, Jr. and Ali Racht
Tom Atkinson
Roberta Heath
Paul & Sandy Talarico
Dennis Leavens
James & Alice Burzon
Albert, Sr. & Joanne Mignerey
Robert & Linda Suhosky
Cherry Ridge Realty, Inc.
Robert & Catherine Benison
(by Amy Benison-Deakin)
Mary St Clair
John & Christine Glucksnis
Roger & Barbara Richardson
Richard & Deborah Hughes
Barry & Debra Temperton
Deborah Stenten
Keith Doyle
Lakeside Townhomes, LLC
Peter (Deceased) & Patricia Forgione
Lauren Grimm
Michele Miller Juskey
William & Stella Zeiser
Brian & Jill Goodman
Lawrence & Julie Uhl
Jeff Wood
Adam, Jr. & Donna Prislupsky
Harold Kirchoff
(by Ann Marie Kirchhoff)
Sandra Jean Markacs
(by Edward J. Kurilla)
Jason Barry
(by Tiffany M. McDonnell)
Wayne Highlands School District
Michael & Joan Baranosky
Raymond Scholl
James & Mary Ellen LaPoint
Dawn Kretschmer
Jerry & Patti Smith
Cindy Mizes
George & Diane Marcakis
Christopher & Kimberlea Scholl
Lakeside MHP LLC
(by Ashley Ann Barnett)
Michael & Catherine Stanton
Michael Suhosky
Thomas Gillette
Jeremy Coar
Walter & Joanne Jennerich
Donald Doyle
Bernard Prushko
Daniel Dady
Mitchell & Stephanie Gursky
Peter Needham
William J. Croop, III
Tick Tocks
(by The Dime Bank)
Estate of Stephen Putzi
Kim & Taryn Follmer
Scott VanVarick
Gerald Hill
Aaron Matthew Hoffman
Ann Marie Long
Roger & Cindy Furman
Raymond & Sandra Betz
(by Beth Ann Zero)
Sean O'Neill
Mi Lee
Anthony (Deceased) & Patricia Gaetano
Florence & Edward Shylkofski
Charles & Sheila Crothamel
Patricia Weidner
Feliz & Olivia Olash
David & Sharyl Kreiter
Linda Billard
Frank Jilling
SEPTEMBER 16, 2020
Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, this was the only meeting held by the LCWA in 2020. The meetings for May, July and August as directed by the LCWA By Laws were cancelled.
Call to Order:
President Tom Tallman called the meeting to order at 6:38 PM. The meeting commenced with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call:
Secretary Kelly Heath noted that the following persons were present:
President Tom Tallman
Vice President Ellen Wertman
Secretary Kelly Heath
Assistant Secretary Sheila Vaswani
Treasurer Linda Tallman
Michael P. Stanton
Jerry and Patti Smith
Joan Wontroski
Thomas Atkinson
Paul Talarico
Donald Gilson
Jim Stehlik
Gary Miller
Joe Hark
Lester Stinnard
Chester O’Connell
Heather Christensen
Jeff Wood
Robert Dragwa
Kevin Dragwa
Secretary Kelly Heath read a summary of the Minutes from the meeting held September 30, 2019, as
well as a summary of the Minutes from the Board Special Meeting held on July 9, 2020. Motion by
President Tom Tallman to approve the Minutes as read, seconded by Jeff Wood and carried. It is to be
noted that the posting on the Lake’s website of the current meeting Minutes will not be available until
they are approved at the next regular meeting.
Treasurer's Report:
Treasurer Linda Tallman read the Treasurer’s report. The following account balances were reported:
Checking Account: $157.26
Savings Account: $1,460.92
Raffle Account: $4,075.00
Choice Certificate of Deposit: $70,948.78
Special Certificate of Deposit: 46,994.99
Total cash on hand: $123,636.95
Motion by Secretary Kelly Heath to approve the Treasurer's Report as given, seconded by Lester
Stinnard and carried.
Old Business:
Dam Status:
As previously stated, the completion of the dam project is scheduled for the Fall of 2023. Due to the
COVID19 outbreak, this deadline could possibly be extended by DEP.
It was reiterated that the Dam repair is LCWA’s number one priority. A question regarding the water
level of the Lake was posed and President Tallman noted that the water level will not be raised at least
and until the restoration of the dam is completed. The water level as it currently exists has a direct
bearing on the sewer line. Therefore, raising the water level will likely require additional funding for
new permits, hiring contractors, etc.
Members were reminded that the Special Assessment is payable over three years. At the end of the
three-year period, the situation will be readdressed and if additional funds are required, there may be a
need for another assessment.
If the dam repair fails and the dam is ordered to be breached by DEP, any monies remaining from the
costs associated with said breach will be returned to property owners in equal shares.
Adoption of Amended Bylaws:
The Amended ByLaws that were approved at the meeting held September 30, 2019 were then
presented for adoption. For purposes of these Minutes, it is noted that a copy of the 2019 Amended
ByLaws is available on the Lake’s website.
New Business:
Resident Joan Wontroski made an inquiry as to the possibility of relinquishing the lake rights contained
in her deed due to the fact that she was not aware of the Special Assessment prior to purchasing her
Ms. Wontroski was reminded that all community members with deeded lake rights are
responsible for payment of the Special Assessment, which is payable over a three-year period . She then
questioned the location of accesses to the Lake at which time President Tallman suggested that she
contact him and he would be happy to show her those locations.
President Tom Tallman removed debris blocking the fence near the spillway.
Another round of sterile carp has been introduced to the lake as part of the three-year project.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, President Tom Tallman called for adjournment and the meeting was adjourned at 7:10pm.
Respectfully Submitted:
Kelly A Heath, Secretary
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