Lake Cadjaw Watershed
Meeting Minutes May 25, 2022
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 6:45PM by President Tom Tallman and commenced with the Pledge
of Allegiance.
Roll Call:
Secretary Kelly Heath noted the following members were present:
President Tom Tallman
Vice President Ellen Wertman
Vice President John Mulligan
Secretary Kelly Heath
Assistant Secretary Sheila Vaswani
Assistant Secretary Diane Marcakis
Treasurer Linda Tallman
Jim Grossman
Kathy Legg
Warren Legg
Beth Ann Zero
Tom Atkinson
Jim Burzon
Jeff Wood
Jim Stehlik
Gary Miller
Jim LaPoint
Laurie Mulligan
Dan Guinther
Bob Suhosky
Linda Suhosky
Mike Evans
Reading of Minutes:
Secretary Kelly Heath read the Meeting Minutes from the LCWA Meeting on September 29, 2021. A
motion to approve the minutes was made by Kathy Legg, seconded by Jim Stehlik and carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Linda Tallman read the Treasurer’s Report reflecting the financial activity of LCWA between
September 29, 2021, and May22, 2022.
Account Balance Summaries were as follows:
Checking: $ 8,254.65
Raffle: $ 75.00
Choice Certificate of Deposit: $ 121,168.50
Special Certificate of Deposit: $ 36,020.80
Total Cash on Hand as of May 25, 2022, is $165,518.95
A motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report was made by Jim Grossman, seconded by Ellen Wertman
and carried.
Old Business:
Dam Discussion: The Dam status remains the same. Our engineers have not been in touch with us nor
has DEP. We are still in need of perfect soil. No updates have been made available regarding any
bearing on our deadlines that may be pandemic related.
Annual Dues: 2022 dues in the amount of $300 are due May 31, 2022. Members are encouraged to
pay their dues as soon as possible to avoid collection.
Hearing Results: In 2021, LCWA won 2 cases in Magistrate Court for unpaid assessments. The
Association has since filed claims against 25 more members. An inquiry as to the possibility of attaching attorneys’ fees to these claims was made and the Board pledged to investigate that.
Appointment of New Solicitor: Our current Solicitor, Jeffrey Treat is in the process of retiring and LCWA has appointed Ronald M. Bugaj, Esq. as its new solicitor.
Lily Pad Overgrowth: There is excessive vegetation in the shallow end of the lake and community
members are having trouble accessing the lake. Manual removal was suggested but having revisited this
possibility some members thought that spraying might be a more effective way to control the problem.
The question to spray the lily-pads was put to a vote, with the results being 14 members being in favor
of spraying and 3 members against. Therefore, the professional spraying was approved with an
estimated cost of $3,500.
General Maintenance: President Tallman noted that Michael Bates, a longstanding and valued member
of this Association has for several years donated his time and energy to maintaining the landscape of the dam and perform meter readings on a regular basis as required. He has since sold his home and will be relocating out of the area and will no longer be available. President Tallman and the Association then recognized Mr. Bates for his dedication and special thanks were extended to Mike. Therein lies the need for a replacement and three members stepped up to take over the tasks of weed whacking and meter readings; those being Jim Grossman, Mike Evans, and Dan Guinther. Thanks were extended to these three gentlemen.
Petition Follow-up: Last summer a petition was introduced during a meeting which pertained to a
member’s unkempt property who owns land both in both Cherry Ridge and Texas Townships. It was
noted that this petition had not been brought before either Townships as of the date of this meeting but
that its author(s) would still like to pursue this matter with the intention of attending the next available
Township meetings. It was suggested that anyone who wants action on this petition attend all Township meetings in groups.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by President Tom Tallman at 7:30 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kelly Heath, Secretary
Lake Cadjaw Watershed
Meeting Minutes September 28, 2022
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 6:35PM by President Tom Tallman and commenced with the Pledge
of Allegiance.
Roll Call:
Secretary Kelly Heath noted the following members were present:
President Tom Tallman
Vice President Will Hazimof
Vice President John Mulligan
Vice President Brian Kaltreido
Secretary Kelly Heath
Assistant Secretary Sheila Vaswani
Assistant Secretary Diane Marcakis
Treasurer Linda Tallman
Kathy Legg
Liz Flick
Beth Ann Zero
Danielle Hazimof
Michael Simmons
Jeff Wood
Dan Guinther
Paul Talarico
Gary Racht Sr.
Glenn Granville
Reading of Minutes:
Secretary Kelly Heath read the Meeting Minutes from the Meeting on May 25, 2022. A motion to
approve the minutes was made by Kathy Legg, seconded by Sheila Vaswani and carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Linda Tallman read the Treasurer’s Report reflecting financial activity between May 25, 2022
and September 28, 2022.
Account balance summaries were as follows:
Checking: $ 11,465.55
Raffle: $ 75.00
Choice Certificate of Deposit: $ 123,772.07
Special Certificate of Deposit: $ 36,051.16
Total Cash on Hand as of May 25, 2022, was $171,363.78.
A motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report was made by Kelly Heath, seconded by Dan Guinther and
Old Business:
Dam Discussion: The Dam status remains the same. We have not heard from the DEP regarding our
Engineer’s most recent plan submissions and we are still waiting for our permit. Because of this, the
dam project schedule will hopefully be extended. We are not sure if this delay is pandemic related or
not. It was noted that our dam remains sound but it is in violation of newer standards. Earthen dams
are not considered safe now because the model has been changed by the DEP. Prior to the Pandemic,
the estimates received for dam repair were in the range of $220,000 to $250,000. However, due to said
unexpected delays, these estimates will no doubt change.
Dam Cleanup: Specific days will be established at the next meeting. Volunteers are needed to help with
cleanup and landscaping.
Annual Dues: 2022 dues in the amount of $300 were due May 31, 2022. Members are encouraged to
pay their dues as soon as possible to avoid collection. The proposed annual dues for 2023 in the amount
of $300 per property owner was put to a vote and passed unanimously. The due date for 2023 dues is
May 31, 2023,
Legal Issues: It is estimated that between 75-80 property owners have not paid, and/or are not current
with, the Special Assessment and Dues. Future hearing dates have been established for approximately
25 residents who have been served with court proceedings. It is anticipated that if and when
judgments are entered, a precedent will be set. Jeff Wood put forth the question as to how court costs
and attorney’s fees are paid. President Tallman stated that the Association has paid these fees in the
past. However, this matter will be discussed with the Association’s Solicitor in hopes that legal fees and
costs in any such litigation which ends in the Association’s favor can be recovered.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by President Tom Tallman at 7:30 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kelly Heath, Secretary
Tom & Linda Tallman
Will Hazimof (Hooked Up Guide Service)
Wendy Johannes (WeJo)
Michael Benio
Robert Peirano
Bob Freer
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